The trail of human civilisation
is dotted with battles fought both within the internal conscience and the external world. The first half of 6000
years of human existence went in figuring out the earth’s
ecosystem. The farthest that the hunter gatherer style of living could foresee
human future was till its next meal. It was by far the calmest period in human
history. After which humans learnt to demarcate territories and the mighty men
became Kings and their lineage claimed ownership of vast swathes of land and
the resources it encompassed. Men then turned greedy. Kings wanted to expand
their empire, conquer the farthest of the lands to which their cavalry could
travel. This greed kept the human civilisation busy for the next half. The
battle within of human conscience, of right and wrong, of dharma and adharma,
of God and the devil were fought after the trivialities of this world became
evident to humankind. In this juxtaposition of human greed which leads men to
fight other men and the human conscience which leads men to fight their own
inner self, mankind has collectively lost its direction.
In the last 150 years of
industrial and technological revolution, there has been more material progress in
the world than there was in all of human history combined. The Flynn effect states that
there has been a linear increase in the human I.Q since 1930 (the year James
Flynn took as his base) to present day. Humans are increasingly becoming adept and intelligent
to reason. The democratisation of technology has put tremendous powers in every individual’s hands. Technology is no longer complex and is easily accessible to
everyone. This has changed the course of human civilisation. It is not often
that the entire mankind stands at such a crossroad and feels perplexed. A
misstep here could lead to the beginning of the end of human civilisation
without anybody realising it.
What has technology done to human
The primary role of technology is
to reduce human effort and thereby free up time for humans to do more. The
battles of human greed and human conscience resurface in this context. With
more productive time to fight these external and internal battles, we now turn
to the battle of ideology. In the course of progression of human civilisation,
this possibly comes at the last. Swami Vivekananda had aptly pointed out- “You
cannot preach Bhagvad Gita to a man with a hungry stomach”. Maslow’s hierarchy
of human needs points to that as well. Technology in the last 50 years has
made sure that there is enough food for human need and enough money with most
people to buy it. With the needs of food and safety taken care of by
technology, the human mind’s last battle is that of the battle of ideology. The
battle which divides people between the left and the right, between your side
and my side. The battle to turn human mind into a minefield of dogma and
beliefs. This is the most treacherous of all the battles.

The Battle of Ideology in today’s
An India which is increasingly
aping the west, which is chasing western prosperity, which has seen the
miracles of democratisation of technology is today entangled to fight the battle of
ideology. Notwithstanding its poverty and blind beliefs the battle of ideology
in India is reaching far corners one wouldn’t immediately fathom. For generations
people of different faiths, ways of living, different tongues, different
customs co-existed in India peacefully. They
only had one enemy to face- hunger. They only had one common objective, by far-
prosperity. With that achieved, more or less and with the technology tsunami
washing everyone to the shore of self-aggrandisement, today’s India is at the
cusp of this battle of ideology. For today’s Indian the battles and objectives differ.
It is no longer hunger and poverty. It is his self-image and opinion. The first step towards that is the increasing
politicization of issues in the country. It is a healthy sign of democracy that
every citizen becomes politically aware. But is that what is happening in India
today? Propaganda is usurping intent. And propaganda is the misstep to fight
the battle of ideologies. Mobile phones and internet have turned virtually
every Indian into a political reporter. With increasing mean income levels, the
people have had the opportunity to experience prosperity in their own lifetime. There was a time when
people saved money for their grandchildren, saved money in old trunks to build
a house after their retirement so that their sons could live happily. But that was a
battle of yesteryears. With globalisation and easier access to travel and
information, the average Indian is increasingly getting opinionated and
dogmatic. He wants to prove that it his opinion that matters over everybody else's. Today, he
increasingly wants to win the battle of ideology.
The average opinionated Indian
I was awestruck by what had
happened at JNU with a set of students and their ideology which they called left-wing.
I was perplexed with the government’s reaction which due to its upbringing had
a different ideology which they called right-wing. I was angry at the seemingly
neutral media for its propaganda disguised as news. Like everybody else I had a theory which I was
not too comfortable to propose. I felt there is something more to it. Of
course, the incident at JNU, the slogan shouting which the national media blew
out of proportion is not to be seen in isolation. It did not happen due to
Narendra Modi’s policies, seen as the torch bearer of right wing politics. JNU always
was a minefield of anti-establishment activities. The students who call
themselves liberals in the university fashion the idea of anti-establishment, anti-religion,
questioning the status quo. In an interesting Huff
Post article titled “Why are so many humanities students activists?”
Shevtal Vyas Pare points out- “You begin to understand that the idea of
meritocracy is a sham once you think about how privilege works…Meritocracy is a
deeply seductive idea, especially when you are successful.” A student in
liberal arts studies societal inequalities and rightfully questions them thus
joining a side in this battle of ideology. While a student of sciences and
technology learns that the capitalistic model of work hard for yourself, create
wonders and make money by selling it to others. He doesn’t appreciate the
inequality in society as he is disillusioned by the meritocratic society, thus joining
the other side in the battle of ideology.
As a child my mother had advised me
that the world out there was tough and competitive. Everybody wants to outdo the
other, outshine the other. Only the best survive, she told and cautioned you
need to be the best. I ran the rat race only to find that the race ultimately
culminates not in personal achievement and making a difference to the world,
but in shouting out loud one’s opinions. Getting the fellow runners to side you
and building a movement to strengthen what you think is right.
I fear for our children. If they
aren’t taught how to deal with a person who doesn’t share your own beliefs and
opinions, the battle of ideology will blow up in the face of humanity and nobody
will know why because everyone will be busy live tweeting the event.
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